Zen Technologies’ Combat Training Centre
Terrorism and Asymmetric warfare is a major issue all across the world. It has been observed worldwide that there are four key issues, which if managed correctly, could have reduced the impact of the terrorist attacks.
The Challenges:
Lack of Communication – Due to a lack of communication between organizations, the magnitude of the situation was unknown. There was no shared intelligence on the precise number of the attackers or their activities. This resulted in confusion by police and military officials. Critical responder support was not dispatched to attacked sites.
Limited Equipment and Infrastructure – Due to the limited situational intelligence, the responding police teams were not properly equipped for dealing with the attackers. They arrived on scene with no body armour and were easy targets for attackers. As well, the communications technology infrastructure was insufficient to support increased Communications traffic as networks jammed with the overload.
Poor Response Coordination – There was a lack of coordination between the civil and the military authorities. This resulted in command authority changing hands several times and new staff and systems being used.
Inadequate Planning and Training – During review of the operations, it was determined that there was no response strategy in place for such an attack, and that agencies did not train together and therefore had no previous experience in coordinating activities. The result was the loss of precious time and information that could have saved lives.
The overarching issue facing response teams during any asymmetric warfare is the lack of shared situational awareness. Awareness in location, activity, threat, and impacts leads to significant loss of life and impacts the continuity of business operations as people start avoiding travels out of fear. This impact on the business community and the economy has been more far-reaching than the immediate losses caused directly by the adversary.
Zen’s Solution
The scenario mentioned above is true across the world. To improve the crisis response capability, a new coordinated training approach, as practiced in battle, is required. “More you sweat in peace the less you bleed in War”, is an apt cliché for ensuring training round the clock, 365 days. However, the constraints imposed due to non-availability of training areas, distant training areas and field firing ranges, long and heavy logistic requirements for movement of troops and equipment impose a major limitation to ensure regular and optimized training. This serious impediment in the training need is addressed by “Zen Combat Training Centre”.
Zen Combat Training Centre (Zen CTC) is a one-stop training infrastructure solution for Defence, Security, Paramilitary and the Police forces. The secure facility, equipped with modern training equipment /infrastructure, free from routine encumbrances and other disturbances, is designed to provide performance-oriented training in realistic, tactical and operational environment.
Majority of the Armed Forces follow the individual training cycles combined with sub unit level training which is the bed rock of training doctrines and instructions. This gets synergized at war games and collective exercises. The weakest link in the chain is the individual and Section/team level combat skills that are often the forte of Special Forces and Covert Forces. These skills form the back bone to take on the threat manifestations of the current kind in any terrain and environment.
In order to raise the bar in the training threshold in the Armed forces where time is always at a premium due to multifarious commitments the best and most potent form of training in the most concerted manner is through “Zen Combat Training Centre” (Zen CTC), where the finely orchestrated training enables an average soldier to become a highly skilled fighting machine and these skills get accentuated by the collective combat training at unit level and formation level.
Combat Training Centre encompasses Planning & Monitoring Suite, a powerful scoring and ‘measurement’ system, the Scenario Builder tool which helps create most realistic and realistically opposed scenarios, a ‘War gaming’ facility, a powerful traceability package which helps Monitor all training, thus delivering a most wholesome ‘Integrated Training Environment’.
Today we are “Combat Ready” but by “Gut Feeling” and by a half ready system, where we have a reasonable idea of readiness …. but not a measured and objective score. This is where Zen CTC comes in – through its recording and scoring system it continually provides an objective assessment of the state of combat readiness. Zen Combat Training Centre’s Smart and Integrated Training Systems can increase ‘Training Throughput’ by 5 times over traditional methods. It thus helps impart higher levels of training, to larger training audience but in a much shorter time frame (one fifth!) and all training is recorded and monitored.
In the last few decades while on the one hand, weapons and equipment have become more complex and lethal, terrorism and operations other than war have blurred front lines and the need for ever alert and combat ready forces is most acute there is an acute shortage of officers at unit level and combat readiness faces the following challenges:-
(a) Severe premium on manpower for training.
(b) Shrinking training areas and firing ranges and high costs of ‘compensation’.
(c) Restricted availability of certain ammunition and high cost or/and high lethality of some ammunition making intense training by firing less feasible.
(d) Lack of real ‘Two-sided’ combat training.
(e) Heavy requirement of manpower and logistics to support/facilitate training while traditional training infrastructure and methods are manpower intensive and manpower is at a stiff premium today than ever before.
(f) Lack of Benchmarks for training standards and lack of a system to ‘measure’ training such as alertness, reflex, response et al in the context of the need today; thus leaving the true assessment of alert and true combat readiness mostly subjective.
Zen Combat Training Centre supports in addressing the Seven (7) primary challenges faced today for Realistic Training and Combat Readiness using Conventional Training methodologies.
Zen Combat Training Centre is the only Integrated Training Infrastructure solution in the world which not only provides a very cost effective and efficient training solution but also provides a practical and objective measure of Combat Readiness of the Forces for conventional or unconventional warfare.
Learn more about Zen Technologies’ Combat Training Centre (CTC) here: http://www.zentechnologies.com/zen-combat-training-centre-ctc.php
This article was authored by Abhishek Agnihotri. If you want to sponsor or contribute an article please reach us at advertising@alltechevent.com
Author Details :
Abhishek Agnihotri, AVP Defence Exports,
Zen Technologies