Nipun Mistry on Big Data & The Future
Approaching as a steady fast Mid-2018; the world as we see it is digging deep into the Data and Information Sharing period and we are witnessing the development of Big Data.
“Big Data” as a generic topic refers to the bespoke ways in which organisations, including government and businesses, combine diverse digital datasets and then use statistics and other data mining techniques to extract from them both hidden information and surprising correlations. While Big Data promises significant economic and social benefits, it also raises serious privacy concerns.
Two of the biggest topics within the Big Data subject would be volumes & data types which bring new ideas to both security and privacy. There is a lot of work to be done in this emerging field.
The focus on exploring the security and privacy aspects of Big Data as supporting and elements of the emerging Big Data research should be at the pinnacle of research and thus pertaining to the more logical and intellectual explanation of the areas including but not limiting to :
– Security Methods & Techniques
– Intrusion detection & Privacy Protection
– Cryptography
– Storage
– Integrity & Data Authentication which would include Access Management
Europe is presently on the verge of implementing the GDPR “General Data Protection Regulation” Act that would replace the ageing Data Protection Directive Policy. With this new regulation; the aim is to help create a new individual rights management process and impose a new accountability measure on organisations that collect or process data. Thus, the primary approach for this should be considered using codes of conduct. In particular and policy regulators should encourage businesses worldwide to adopt new business models on-premise and help consumer empowerment by offering incentives such as regulatory flexibility and reduced company-wide penalties in terms of privacy and legal perspectives.
This post was authored by Nipun Mistry. If you want to sponsor or contribute an article please reach us at advertising@alltechevent.com
About the Author :
Nipun Mistry, CEO,
Corporate IT Solutions Limited