Event Coverage: Consumer Electronics Show 2018 in Las Vegas
Following a complete account of few innovation intelligence network for executives, on the latest consumer electronics show trends in Las Vegas helding in Las Vegas from January 9 to Feb 10 2018, I offers you my point of view of trends that have particularly caught my attention.
In the preamble, I would say that what is globally striking, without making more than that case, is that almost all the innovations of the Consumer Electronic Show is based on #cloud computing! Indeed without the power of computing, storage and sharing in the clouds, many of these innovations could not see the day. I sincerely believe that the “commoditization” of the Cloud is under way. That being said, here are the trends that I think are particularly important:
Trend 1: Beyond the “smartphone”
The term “smartphone” no longer corresponds to the reality of the tool, which has little of a phone. How to define an object that has become a universal companion capable of answering our questions in near real time (where am I ?, where am I going ?, what is there around me ?, who is around me?, ..), an interface with the digital world that surrounds us, a permanent connection with our friends, a decision aid … In short, an “intellectual prosthesis “:
- Until now the reflections revolved around our ability to integrate and manage the concept of ATAWAD in relation to the “classic” interfaces: desktop and laptop, phone, tablet, television, as many screens to receive the information. But after a visit to CES, it seems obvious that this inflation screens is only at the beginning: glasses, watches, refrigerator, car, textile, … Tomorrow my smartphone will be connected in bluetooth to these different elements of the daily.
- The smartphone and tablet have become universal controls and preferred content search tools and we no longer want a new interface. If I need to view content on a larger screen, I prefer to search from my smartphone or tablet and then transmit the content to another screen (PC, TV …). As an example, Ford is opening up its communication protocols and is encouraging the iPhone and Android developer community to create apps for the car to modify the “travel experience”, with the idea of creating these environments regardless of the vehicle version.
- The other trend around the smartphone is the automatic capture of information according to the model of “Shazam”: I capture, I analyze, I recognize. This model is developing rapidly in the field of personal health.
- A last trend dedicated to the use of the smartphone resides in NFC technology (Neard field communication, which consists in the automatic recognition of my identity via components integrated in my smartphone or even my clothes for example.
Trend 2: “Network … or not work”
To succeed, a social network, a community, must bring value to its members, help everyone to achieve their goals, let everyone decide what they want to share … In short, a community does not work if each of its members feels like you can control. A community does not have to be a simple contest of a number of fans / friends / contacts, it is an act of commitment and the companies which have been wrong must today sort out among the thousands of fans who follow them, which will cost them even more than the acquisition campaigns they have made to get there!
We know it but as much to say it again, the transparency is the rule for any community and the company must have confidence in its own employees. For example the technical service should not be connected to the social network only to process tickets from the network but to be able to interact more widely with customers, including upstream, that is to say to advise them (which does not prevent professional and efficient handling of detected problems with a good CRM!).
Trend 3: The start of the robot revolution
The signal comes from LEGO, which launched at the CES a robot construction box incorporating a programming language, all for $ 300.
Our children from 6 to 10 years old will start playing with these robots and in 10 years, just as the use of the smartphone is natural for Generation Y, the multiple robots that surround them will be part of their daily lives. A new revolution is at stake because if we combine this ability to meet its own needs by programming robots with new 3D printers, we can talk about “Demand Chain” to replace the “Supply Chain”.